Unveiling the long awaited Light Bridge on Boba Network!

Boba Network
2 min readApr 3, 2024


TL;DR: The Light Bridge is an easy, fast, and cheap bridging solution that quickly gets your funds to your destination chain.

After careful consideration, the Light Bridge was developed as a Boba Network feature to improve upon user experience and interface. A centralized version that offers users an alternative method to bridge funds, bypassing the challenge period of 7 days, leaving L2, and bringing cost efficiency to the user.

Users will be able to bridge between L2s and Boba L2s and Layer 1s with the following routes available:

$BOBA Token

  • BOBA BNB Mainnet ↔ BNB Mainnet
  • BOBA BNB Mainnet ↔ BOBA ETH Mainnet
  • ETH Mainnet ↔ BOBA ETH Mainnet
  • BOBA ETH Mainnet ↔ BNB Mainnet


  • BOBA BNB Mainnet ↔ BNB Mainnet


  • Arbitrum Mainnet → BOBA ETH Mainnet
  • Optimism Mainnet → BOBA ETH Mainnet
  • ETH Mainnet ↔ BOBA ETH Mainnet

Certain limit caps are coded in the smart contracts for bridge functionality:


  • Minimum Amount to be bridged: 0.01 ETH | BNB
  • Maximum Amount to be bridged: 2 ETH | BNB
  • Max Daily Amount (overall, not user dependent): 6 ETH | BNB


  • Minimum Amount to be bridged: 20 $BOBA
  • Maximum Amount to be bridged: 20,000 $BOBA
  • Max Daily Amount (overall, not user dependent): 40,000 $BOBA

How — To Guide:

  1. Connect your wallet.
  2. Click on the “Light” button to use the Light Bridge.
  1. Choose your origin chain and destination chain.
  2. Select the fund you want to bridge: $BOBA, $ETH, or $BNB
  1. Enter Amount to bridge.
  2. Click “Bridge” then “Confirm”
  3. You are done! Just wait for your funds to appear in your destination chain!

Disclaimer: Users will be able to directly deposit from Arbitrum and Optimism into the Boba Network but not the other way around. There will not be a bridge liquidity deposit function as the liquidity is provided by the foundation. The daily limits for withdrawals and deposits are to be monitored and updated as required.



Boba Network

Boba Network is delivering a faster, cheaper, smarter, more seamless experience for the next billion users of Ethereum.